
ESPN — Eye Test

ESPN Eye Test

Diagnosing vision problems is now a game.


The Project —

• 80% of vision disorders can be prevented by being diagnosed in advance. 
• 57% believe they don't have any eye problems.
• Only 27,8% visit their ophthalmologist once a year as recommended.

To persuade men to take the exams, we created a special test for UEFA Champions League fanatics.

An ESPN Eye Test bus, equipped with an ophthalmologist and their equipment, drove around offering vision tests for sports fans. Instead of squinting to read boring rows of letters and numbers, the men had to correctly identify football clubs crests and famous players.

Men who visited the clinic and were diagnosed with glaucoma and cataract problems, were forwarded on for complete treatment.


How it works? —

Posters —


The Online Test  —
Watch the user interacting with the website. 


The Bus Shelter —

Based on the same principle of the website, we designed an interactive outdoor in a bus shelter. So men could use their spare time waiting for the bus to take an eye test. A bus stop with a webcam and a voice recognition system invites men to take the tests. They have just to stay behind the red line and talk to the interactive outdoor.

Those who failed the test were invited to visit their ophthalmologist. And all men were aware of the importance of having their eyes tested.


Agency — Africa DDB
Director — Marco Aslan